

The list contains information on the applications registerred in the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice until the end of 2011 and was last updated in 31 Jan 2012.

In the list are not included:

1.    Applicants who have received a referral;

2.    Applicants, who have not confirmed their adoption project for the year 2012;

3.    Applicants whose permission to adopt was issued by their respective Central Authority after the list was completed and published.

Information on applicants registered in 2012 and afterwards will be available in the beginning of 2014.


Intercountry Adoption Council sessions

This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.

Parole di ringraziamento - M.E. y M. M., Barcellona, Spagna

Salve, siamo una famiglia di Barcellona, Spagna, che nel 2006 ha adottato un bambino dalla Bulgaria tramite la mediazione dell'Associazione ANIDO, a cui non possiamo che rivolgere parole di ringraziamento per il loro atteggiamento verso di noi prima, durante e dopo la fine dell'adozione di nostro figlio.

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