
On December 2nd, 2011, ANIDO held a meeting with Irish adoptive applicants, at River Lee Hotel - Cork.

The main topic of the meeting was as follows:

Bulgarian international adoption program: legislation, terms and conditions, principles, time frames, commitments and profile of Bulgarian children eligible and available for adoption with permanent residence in Bulgaria and the changes in the Hague adoption procedure arising from the ratification of the “Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption” by Ireland. Adoption Into Ireland - Mediation, Preparation and Support. The Hague Process, the AAI & Irish Accredited Agencies. Preparing applicants to adopt Bulgarian Children. Supporting applicants from registration (of application) to registration (of adoption).




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Intercountry Adoption Council sessions

This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.

Le manine dei nostri figli - P. F. y L. C., Italia

E poi un giorno abbiamo incontrato nel nostro cammino delle persone meravigliose, che hanno da subito lavorato con noi, per noi e per il nostro futuro da genitori.

Che ci hanno preso per mano per accompagnarci con seria professionalità, con onestà e serenità, senza mai dimenticare di essere anche umani ed affettuosi.

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