We believe that every child has the right to have a family where they can receive the best care and support.
We believe that every child may thrive and develop their best qualities if placed in a loving family.
Our efforts are focused in this direction – to improve the quality of life of the special needs children by identifying a family where they would feel loved and happy.
Please, use a password or contact our partners in your country in order to review the children for who ANIDO Association is searching family for.
This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.
E poi un giorno abbiamo incontrato nel nostro cammino delle persone meravigliose, che hanno da subito lavorato con noi, per noi e per il nostro futuro da genitori.
Che ci hanno preso per mano per accompagnarci con seria professionalità, con onestà e serenità, senza mai dimenticare di essere anche umani ed affettuosi.
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