anido children awaiting adoption program

We believe that every child has the right to have a family where they can receive the best care and support.
We believe that every child may thrive and develop their best qualities if placed in a loving family.
Our efforts are focused in this direction – to improve the quality of life of the special needs children by identifying a family where they would feel loved and happy.

 anido children awaiting adoption profile

Profile of Children Waiting Adoption
In our website we are not trying to give an official definition for “special needs children”; instead, we would like to explain who are the children that need support in order to have the chance to grow in a family.

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anido children awaiting adoption procedure

The procedure for the adoption of the children for whom special measures have been undertaken is shortened and relieved. Both applicants who are already registered and those who are not registered yet may apply for these children.

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anido children awaiting adoption

Children Awaiting Adoption (CAA)
Please, use a password or contact our partners in your country in order to review the children for who ANIDO Association is searching family for.

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Reuniones del Consejo de Adopciones Internacionales

Esta sección contiene información sobre las asignaciones que hace el Ministerio de Justicia de Bulgaria a través de un departamento, denominado Consejo de Adopciones Internacionales.

Gente muy profesional y muy humana - A. M. y C. V., Barcelona, España

Al llegar en el 2004 a un país extraño para la familia, empezando por el idioma, y continuando por sus costumbres, y tratándose de un asunto tan importante, formal y emocionante como la adopción de nuestra hija, cargado de papeles burocráticos, situaciones inesperadas y hasta dudas...el contar con un personal experto en estos temas en el país, nos dio tranquilidad desde el primer momento.

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