Bulgaria es país miembro de la Unión Europea y está situado en la parte sureste de la península de los Balcanes.Limita con Grecia y Turquía al sur, con Macedonia y Serbia al oeste, con el río Danubio y Rumanía al Norte y el Mar Negro al este.Cuenta con una población de 7,6 millones de habitantes y con un territorio de 110.912 kilómetros cuadrados.
La capital de Bulgaria es Sofía, una ciudad europea moderna con una población de 1,5 millones de personas aproximadamente.
Bulgaria Guide for adoptive parents
1. Geographic location
Bulgaria is situated in the South-Eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. The country borders Greece and Turkey to the South, Macedonia and Serbia -to the West, the Danube River and Romania to the North and the Black Sea to the East. The country's population is 7.6 million people and its territory spans 110,912 sq. km.
2. Climate and weather
The climate of Bulgaria is continental and varies depending on the altitude. Winter is usually snowy with frequent snowfalls in the mountains until April. It is much harsh in northern Bulgaria with temperatures reaching minus ten oC rather than in southern part of the country where the Mediterranean influence is felt and the eastern part along the Black sea coast. Summers are usually hot with occasional thunderstorms in the evening. Rainfalls are concentrated in spring and autumn.
Before traveling to Bulgaria, you may check the weather at our real-time Weather Report page.
3. Time zone: East European time (UTC+2); in summer (UTC+3)
4. Official language and alphabet: Bulgarian; Cyrillic alphabet
5. Religions: Eastern Orthodox (85%), Muslims (8%)
6. Form of government: Parliamentary republic
7. EU member state: Within the European Union, citizens of the EU member states may travel just with an ID card.
8. Currency: Bulgarian Lev pegged to Euro at an exchange rate of EUR 1 = BGN 1.95583
9. Gross monthly wage: about EUR 350
10. Taxation:
Corporate income tax: 10%
Personal income tax: 10%
VAT: 20%
Esta sección contiene información sobre las asignaciones que hace el Ministerio de Justicia de Bulgaria a través de un departamento, denominado Consejo de Adopciones Internacionales.
One day we received a phone call with a great news – we have been referred a girl with a wonderful name! We immediately get the feeling that this could be our daughter and this feeling get stronger when we saw the picture of the most beautiful girl in the world!
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