We believe that every child has the right to have a family where they can receive the best care and support.
We believe that every child may thrive and develop their best qualities if placed in a loving family.
Our efforts are focused in this direction – to improve the quality of life of the special needs children by identifying a family where they would feel loved and happy.
In our website we are not trying to give an official definition for “special needs children”; instead, we would like to explain who are the children that need support in order to have the chance to grow in a family. There are children with physical or mental issues but providing care for them does not require special training. Other children are qualified as special needs children due to their bigger age compared to other abandoned children or because they are part of a big sibling group.
The program for adoption of special needs children developed by the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice clarifies that every child for who there are no applicants registered in the waiting list is considered as a special needs child. Provisionally we may divide these children into three groups:
- children of bigger age – 10 years and above,
- big sibling group – three siblings and more, and
- children with severe diseases – mental and/or physical or with a combination of several issues.
Hier finden Sie Information über die Empfehlungen und Vorschläge des Rates für internationale Adoptionen (RIA) – die Behörde im bulgarischen Justizministerium, die die Beschlüsse über die Adoptionszustimmungen fasst.
Guten Tag, wir sind eine Familie aus Barcelona, Spanien, die 2006 ein Kind aus Bulgarien durch die Vermittlung des Vereins ANIDO angenommen haben und wollen dem Verein unsere tiefe Dankbarekeit für die gute Beziehung zu uns vor, während und nach dem Abschluss des Adoptionsverfahrens unseres Sohnes aussagen.
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