ANIDO meeting Dutch adoptive families and adopted children.
On 29th September2012 in Barneveld, the Netherlands, the annual meeting of adoptive parents and adopted children was organized which this year coincided with the 35th anniversary from the establishment of our partner organization in the Netherlands – “Stichting Kind en Toekomst” (Foundation “Child and Future”). Many of the countries with which the Dutch organization works, among which the Bulgarian partner of “Stichting Kind en Toekomst” - ANIDO association, were represented at that event.
The yearly organization of these meetings provides the different organizations with the opportunity to exchange experience and to share ideas and what is most important: to see the outcome of the completed adoption process by meeting with children who have been successfully adopted from all over the world. We from ANIDO association would like to thank our Dutch partner for a very emotional and filled with happy children’s laughter meeting and we would like to preserve our own zeal in order to achieve even better results in finding families for the Bulgarian children as well as to preserve our fruitful collaboration with one of the most experienced adoption agencies in Europe that has devoted itself to protecting the children at risk.
This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.
Hello, we are a family from Barcelona, Spain, who adopted a boy from Bulgaria in 2006. Our adoption procedure was facilitated by the agency ANIDO to whom we can only express our words of gratitude for the way they treated us before, during and after the end of the procedure.
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