August 5th 2019 was a glorious day!! We two will got to meet our kids S., M. and G. for the first time! We were finally get to see our children that we have been praying and dreaming about for almost 5 months! WHAT AN AMAZING DAY THIS WAS!

We started this process over 3 years ago and God has blessed us all the way through the journey!!

Here is a little history: For many years G. and I have wanted to adopt we have daughter Alexandra who is 27 years now. We always wanted bigger family. Tried for years in vitro and so on. I suffer some miscarriages along the way. In 2016 we decided it on adoption. We were sure we want to adopt up to 3 children above 4 years old. Being Polish and many children in the system in Poland waiting for adoption that was natural choice for us.. After 2 years and Poland changing there international adoption rules back and forward finally in January 2019 we give up and switch to Bulgaria.

G. and I decided that we would like to adopt a child(ren) between the age of four years old and up to 12. We would also consider adopting a sibling group. In February, 2019 we received the “Waiting Child” list from our adoption agency in USA (Global Adoption Services). J. and her team were with us for over 2 years and all the ups and downs with Poland.. J. always listen to me whenever I called and always offer her support. The Waiting Child is a list of children that are either a sibling group, getting close to ageing out of adoption, and/or have special needs. J. and her team knew us were well and sent us videos of 3 siblings.. 2 sweet girls and a boy... G. and I watch the video and fall in love with them in instance.. We felt warm and this tingling feeling.. They are ours they are ours!!!! We contacted J. and asked for profile...

We read through her profile and as we read we started to feel that indescribable feeling like they are ours. They had been in the system for almost 4 years. Two younger girls were at the foster family and boy was at the group home.

We continued to review all we could and that is when G. said the words I will never forget….”Sounds like they need a You for a Mommy!” That is when it felt right!
The next morning, G. and I decided we still needed to ask for more information, even if it was just to know more about this precious children. So we did. Within an hour, we received more information-from the agency in Bulgaria ANIDO. On January 27th 2019 G. and I signed an agreement to adopt those precious children...

From February to March we completed all our adoption processes and received our updated home study approval. In April we received our approval from Homeland Security. (All it was faster because we had all approve before and just need it to switch from one Hague country Poland to Bulgaria) Our dossier was sent to Bulgaria and by mid-June, we received our approval from the Ministry of Justice in Bulgaria.

The Bulgaria adoption process requries two trips to Bulgaria. One for an initial visit with the child and the second to bring the child home.

That brings us to, August 2019 G. and I were on vacation when we receive information about our trip in 2 weeks to meet children. All nerves and anticipations are flying through our minds... “1000” phone calls to J. and her team.. What we should bring ... for kids, foster family etc. We flew to Bulgaria on Friday and will arrive in Sofia, Bulgaria by Saturday morning. Then we flew from Sofia to Varna (just some kilometers from Targovishte where children are). We spend two nights in Zlote Piaski .. Golden Sands ... For me this was an reminder of my youth summers as my family and I spend every summer there from the time I was 7yrs ok’d until I was 15th. On Monday we took taxi back to Varna airport to meet ANIDO representative. From then on, we were be taken care of by the adoption agency ANIDO that partners with Global Adoption Services.. Alex — picked us up from the airport along with Ivaylo and we are off to Targovishte when we spend week with children.

Along the way Alex was great helping us through great conversation keeping our minds occupied. He was putting us at ease.. He noticed how nervous G. and I were and was talking to us about great polish bands and anything else just to ease our jitters ..

August 5th 2019 was a glorious day!! We two will got to meet our kids S., M. and G. for the first time! We were finally get to see our children that we have been praying and dreaming about for almost 5 months! WHAT AN AMAZING DAY THIS WAS!!!

We spend amazing 5 days with kids.. Alex was with us every step.. His help and patience with us through that week was most appreciated.

The Start of a New Chapter

January 17, 2020 seemed like it would never get here, and then the next thing we knew, it was upon us and we had to get prepared for the next step in our journey (second trip). Just before that ANIDO organized all for us. Apartment in Sofia flights from Sofia to Varna airport pick ups.... All was done for us Gerry from ANIDO answer our questions within minutes. 15 hours after jumping in the car, we were at the Sofia airport picking up our luggage. Besides the happiness to see all our luggage arrive with us, it was so awesome to have to bring additional luggage; A suitcase for children clothes and toys. We then met up with our driver and headed to our rented apartment. After settling in, G. and I took advantage of some quiet time and caught up on some necessary rest!! Went to see Sofia and places where we could possibly take children as we were to spend two weeks with them there before flying back to USA.

…..That leads us to the next chapter of our lives!!
Monday, January 20th, 2020 Our driver picked us up from our apartment at 5:30am and we headed to Sofia airport for quick flight to Varna. After our 45min flight we are at Varna and familiar person Ivaylo and translator are picking us up.. We are heading to Targovishte in hour drive, we made the familiar turn down the road to S.’s group home where foster mother will bring M. and G. also.. The butterflies really started to hit G. and I as we headed through the gate and towards the door. We walk upstairs and I few minutes we see S. the front door and we could see her familiar smile!! We are waiting few more minutes with S. hugging him and we hear laude giggling and voices “mommy”, “tatko” (daddy) and door opened and out came M. and G. and A big hug erased all the butterflies! We finally have all 3 kids in our arms again!!

After delivering small gift to foster mom and some kids an group home and finalizing paperwork, M., S., G. said there goodbyes to the foster mom and social workers for the last time! S. helds our hands M. and G. are in our arms and we walked to the car. Though, it was another 1 1/2 hours in a car to airport, it was so cool to have both girls to fall asleep in my lap!! We arrived back in Varna airport.. Ivaylo help us through checking process we said our good buys and heads it to Sofia.. Kids were so excited it for there first flight. 1h 20min later and met our driver in Sofia and heading out to the apartment to spend first night together with kids. In the morning we meet with Nadya another representative from ANIDO. She picks us up and we headed to police station to start children’s passport process. We met there by Nelly.. because of those two amazing ladies process go fasts and we are in and out within 20min..
After that we headed it to Ring Mall and S., M. and G. had time of there life in trampoline park.. Children love jumping

G. and I are now alone with kids for two days. It is time for us to be there parents and for them to be a children in a loving family!! It is also time to see how well we can communicate with each other. Children do not speak English and while G. and I are trying, we do not speak much Bulgarian. But Russian lesson that we took as we were younger are paying off.. Both languages are bit similar.. It has been a little over 24 hours and God has continued his blessings as we have been able to pass the communication test. While we do not understand all they are telling us in speech, we do understand what there needs are by action and constant interaction. We are trying different ways to teach children and for us to learn from them. All 3 kids had definitely tested limits with us and we have had to ensure boundaries are not to be broken or compromised.

It has been such a glorious day!! Greg and I have been able to hold and hug our precious M., G. and S. Holding hands while walking down the street are memories that will last forever!! Children love taking bath and putting on brand new PJ’s. I had to create game each night to see who will take bath first. It is so cool to see G. with our daughters, making them all pretty; blow drying their hairs.

Wednesday goes by fast we went to Zoo. But it was a bit disappointing definitely not a Bronx Zoo. But we made best of it. Had a little picking there.. Nadya from ANIDO called to check on us to make sure we are all ok..
Thursday we went for there medical test required by USA.. Thank God for Nadya.. M. was so afraid it took persuasions from Nadya to M. allowed nuts to take her blood ... We are so great full Nadya was there. And we are off to another indoor park., This time Paradise Mall.. Children tested there skills in wall rock claiming.

We don’t have another appointment until following week Tuesday at USA Embassy. We tried to spend time busy .. Friday we took kids to there first 4D move to see Doctor Doolittle they loved it.. Seeing there faces it was the best .. Saturday we took bus and went to see Plovdiv (one of the oldest still leaving city in Europe) Kids loved the bus drive and especially loved spending night in the hotel.... Nadya from ANIDO even it was weekend she was in constant contact with us to make sure we are all ok.. We really appreciate all the care and security that ANIDO gave us.

And Tuesday comes alone and we welcome again with smiling Nadya and off we go to US Embassy process again is quick and Nadya is all ready with all the paper work passports etc.. We don’t need to worried about anything all is being handel for us.. We are there about 1h our so .. G. and I have interview and off we go..... Last appointment is done kids immigration visa will be ready next day and again nothing for us to worried pick is all done by ANIDO..

Wednesday we spend hours at Interactive Children Museum. M., G. and S. loved making masks and playing there.
We meet with whole ANIDO team.. Alex that was with us in Targovishte, Nadya that guide us in Sofia, Nelly our Bulgarian lawyer, Gerry who made all the arrangements and answer my “1000” questions through email.. We are so great full for all of them along with US Team of Global Adoption Judy, Alaina, Stephanie.. This 7 people made our dream a reality as we become “instant” family of 6 from now on.. G. and I our daughter A. and now M., S. and G.

Friday we flew home to USA and receive surprise welcome from our Friends.. Our family journey just begins but we are sure what an AMAZING Journey will be.
I can assure you this process is not easy.. But with people like ANIDO team and Global Adoption Team on your side you can be sure you will have your dream of family a reality.


With love

Monika Wojcik and Greg Sierota


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Intercountry Adoption Council sessions

This section contains information on the referrals (proposals) made by the IAC. This is the body within the Bulgarian Ministry of Justice, which makes the referrals.

You made our dream come true - B. S. and M. van B., the Netherlands (NL)

Voorjaar 2012 kregen wij het mooiste bericht van ons leven. We mochten de ouders worden van een klein Bulgaars meisje, Stefania (Steffi). Ze heeft een moeilijke start gehad in haar leven en ze woont nu in de een kindertehuis in Sofia, wachtend op een papa en mama die haar thuisbrengen. We krijgen een fotootje te zien. We zien een klein meisje met bruine krullen en grote bruine ogen en ze is prachtig, de mooiste! Later blijkt: we hadden meteen hetzelfde gevoel. Zij is het, onze dochter en het had ook echt niemand anders kunnen zijn.

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